Our self-propelled crawler pile driver, our other machines, and all pile driving accessories built at the Pauselli Company are constructed of the highest-quality materials, and are constructed in a way that guarantees the machine will work to optimum standards of reliability.
Each machine is constructed to satisfy the specific requirements of the customer in a way that finds a solution to every type of problem.
This means, if you have a particularly unusual or specific work to do, Pauselli SRL can invent the machine you need to do your work.
The Pauselli Company is distinguished by the quality and effectiveness of its after-purchase service which guarantees our help through every kind of problem.
Following the purchase of Pauselli machine we will, at your request, provide an excellent training course on the functioning of our machine.
Pauselli SRL constantly researches, invents, and experiments with new machines and tools to make the machines we build even better.
The Pauselli Company has been founded in 1986 in Città di Castello, in central Italy.
It is a modern, dynamic company producing a complete range of pile-driving machines for the installation of piles for guard-rail and for solar/PV panels, wooden fencing posts, piles for vineyards and orchards, anchoring screws for foundations and other applications.
Pauselli received a contribution from funds referred to "Piano Sviluppo e Coesione FSC ex DGR n. 251/2021.
Avviso a sostegno dei progetti di ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale 2020".
Project: New V-O pile driver to study, prototype and test a new pile driver system capable of driving vertical and inclined poles.